Fentanyl Addiction: How Rehab Helps in Quitting Fentanyl

Fentanyl Addiction

Fentanyl addiction is quite rampant among those prescribed with the medication and even those who are not prescribed with the opiate derivative. Fentanyl is a potent and strong painkiller which is only prescribed to patients who are suffering from breakthrough pain. If you experience severe and chronic pain that ordinary pain relievers could not eliminate, fentanyl is the next resort. Addiction to fentanyl is hard to avoid for some people since the euphoric state is an addictive condition, to begin with. However, fentanyl is highly dangerous because it is 100 times much stronger and potent than heroin and morphine.

Fentanyl Addiction

Is there treatment for Fentanyl addiction?

Fentanyl abuse treatment options are varied, depending on the dosage and level of addiction a person experiences. Fentanyl addiction destroys lives and may even result in death when overdosed thus treatment to turn your back from this substance abuse is vital. Is it possible? There are various treatment options for fentanyl abuse and the first step is through detox.

What is detox?

Detox is the first door that opens the road to sobriety and cleaning your system from the potent opiate derivative. The main objective of a detox program is to cleanse the body of fentanyl, allowing a smoother and better healing process to take place. The withdrawal symptoms during the detox process could be too much to take for some people, causing them to give up and abandon their plan to stop their Fentanyl addiction. However, with proper guidance and supervision from the experts, detoxifying your system from fentanyl is possible despite the excruciating challenges.

A professional medical practitioner that is licensed to administer and supervise the detox program first evaluates the patient, determining the level of addiction and the response of the client to treatment and detox. Fentanyl addiction has physiological and psychological effects on the person thus there are also various withdrawal symptoms to grapple with in the long run.

Facts about the Symptoms of Withdrawal

Withdrawal symptoms mainly vary on numerous factors such as the type of drug that is abused, the duration and level of use, and the method of the detox. In terms of Fentanyl addiction, the common symptoms may include fatigue, irritability, insomnia and sleeping disorders, and depression. There are physiological symptoms such as sweating, shaking, and muscle tremors and pains. All these are just a few of the different withdrawal syndromes that could affect a person and may have major effects on his resolve to continue the treatment program or call it quits and return to his nasty habits.

Detoxification before Rehabilitation

All rehab facilities require the patient to undergo detox unless the results of the assessment say otherwise. It is imperative that the body is no longer suffering from the effects of fentanyl before the main rehabilitation efforts take place.

Fentanyl addiction is a cancer of society and could easily deteriorate the very core of a person and the community as a whole. The Canadian government is undergoing various efforts to stop fentanyl abuse and provide proper treatment options.