How is Abnormal Behavior Directly Associated with Mental Disorder?


In life, many times one comes across individuals with abnormal behavior. In some cases it may be a bad judgment or bad day on the part of a person, but if the behavior is recurrent and happens more often in other behavioral areas such as physical, social, and emotional, then it can be considered as abnormal behavior.

People are lucky now that they have modern medicine and science available to aid people with abnormal behavior. Across the world, for the last 1000 years people have defined abnormal behavior as biological, supernatural and psychological diseases. In primordial times, abnormal behavior was considered an effect from spirits and demons. Several religious rituals were applied on the individual with psychological disorders to drive away sinful spirits. In some circumstances, innumerable methods were applied to torture the human body to such amount that it no longer should be in a position to host an immoral spirit. In certain areas victims were castaway by the society for fear of malevolent spirits. On the other hand in eastern beliefs such cases were well-thought-out as punishment from gods and many religious rites were performed for person’s safety. Although now medicinal help and modern science is available for such diseases, still in some developing countries particularly in Africa and Asia people believe this is due to mystical powers.

Neuroengineer Dr. Curtis Cripe applies his diverse background in psychology, aerospace engineering, psychophysiology, and software programming and development to lead his team in NTL group on brain and cognitive repair for head injury, addiction, and developmental delays.

Behavioral medicine is an interdisciplinary field of practice and research that focuses on how people’s behavior and thoughts affect their health. For example, behavioral medicine is concerned with adverse behaviors such as drug abuse, and uses behavior therapy techniques such as relaxation training, biofeedback, and hypnosis. Functioning with virtual patient interactions will give you an opportunity to test behavioral medicine interferences. Based on behavioral medicine, you will also learn self-help tools for whatever you need to alter in your own life.

In quintessence abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology and comes under a sub-field as applied and academic psychology. It is a technical process by which one can study the abnormal behavior of an individual and help in understanding the basic behavior functions and abnormal patterns. In contemporary science, abnormal behavior is directly related to mental disorder. It is a situation where a person is not able to function or adapt due to various reasons such as reasoning, less learning, genetic disorder and socializing.

In the past having an individual with abnormal behavior in the family was considered a shame and kept at home locked away from general public sight and was made to go through torture and hardship. Currently, in most cases, as Dr. Curtis Cripe says, with the help of therapy and modern science patient heal and live ordinary life. People who get help, gain self-confidence and ways to deal weaknesses in their life. This benefits them to work gradually but assuredly with majority public.