What Causes Yeast Infection?


When you’re dealing with a yeast infection, it helps if you understand what’s happening in your body. A vaginal yeast infection is caused when there is an overgrowth of yeast in the vagina. Small quantities of yeast cells are normal, but when the good bacteria in the vagina cannot regulate the Candida albicans yeast fungus, the yeast will multiply and cause an infection. Knowing what causes yeast infection will help prevent and control this disorder see post and get useful information.

.A number of factors can encourage excessive growth of vaginal yeast, including:

Antibiotics and other medications

There is a delicate balance between the “good” bacteria and the yeast in the vagina. Antibiotics can suppress some of the “good” bacteria, giving the yeast a chance to grow out of control.

This can also take place when you take certain steroids or birth control pills.


Pregnant women frequently get a yeast infection. Hormonal changes can trigger an infection. Also, sugar is secreted more frequently in the vagina when you are pregnant. The sugar serves as food for the yeast and they multiply rapidly.

Yeast infections often take place in the last three months of pregnancy. However, hormone levels change after delivery, and the infection will usually disappear after a few days. The new vaginal environment will no longer support yeast growth.


In some cases, diabetes is what causes yeast infection. Yeast feeds on sugars, and if your blood sugar is high the yeast will multiply and cause an infection. Keeping your blood sugar within the normal range will help inhibit future infections.

Other Causes of Yeast Infection

Wearing tight jeans or underwear made of synthetic material can provide a warm and moist environment that promotes yeast growth. The same thing can happen if you stay in a wet bathing suit for long periods of time.

Yeast will also grow profusely if your immune system is weakened. Women taking prednisone and other cortisone-related medications are prone to yeast infections. This also includes stress, poor diet, and lack of sleep.

Douches and perfumed vaginal hygiene sprays may increase the risk of developing a yeast infection.

In general, system imbalance can trigger a yeast infection. Simple and basic lifestyle changes can be implemented to avoid whatever causes yeast infection. Avoid wearing tight clothing and refrain from using deodorant tampons. Wear cotton underwear. Do not wear pads or panty liners when your period ends. By avoiding the causes of yeast infection you will experience relief and wellbeing.